Nanook and Pryce

1. Dust Jacket
5.Nanook & Pryce
20. Nanook & Pryce

written by Ned Crowley
HarperCollins (October 27, 2009)

“In this lively comedy, Nanook, his ice-fishing buddy Pryce, their dog Yukon, and a can of very animated worms take an unexpected tour of the world when the ice breaks up and carries them away …” –Horn Book

“Spare six-syllable couplets tell the story, and only a few verses appear on each double-page spread, making this a quick, accessible read. The comic details in the lively, cartoon-style illustrations will encourage repeat visits and provide added chuckles …” –Booklist

 “The deadpan Nanook and Pryce, faces almost completely buried in their parka hoods and unmoving (or merely clueless) in the face of multiple foes and dangers, are ideal foils for the lively dog and riotous backgrounds…” –Kirkus