
We, and the THOUSANDS others like us, owe you.
You made careers full of good ideas seem great.
And, even the occasional turd (not ours, of course) seem palatable.
Not because you draw well…even though you draw incredibly well.
But because you made people feel things.
And that’s the hardest part of the job.
That’s why people stood in line and fought to work with you.
Or cried and pulled their hair out (again, not me) when you were just too busy.
And because underneath all that incredible talent is an even better guy, who cared every bit as much as we did.

John Condon, Chief Creative Officer, The Distillery Project

[SUSAN]: Anne, I need some illustrations to go with a talk I’m giving for The One Club. The One Club…so they have to be great. Actually better than great. The audience will be made up of “craft” snobs. Oh, and I need them to capture the general themes of the speech. They have to tell a story in one frame. I want to create some cartoon type character that represents creative types in the business, but don’t look anything like people, sort of like widget people. Androgynous. Fun. But not too cartoony. New Yorker-esque but fresher. More original. Who would be good?

ANNE:  Larry Day.


[SUSAN]: Tell Larry they are perfect. 

Susan Credle, Chief Creative Officer:

Perhaps one of the most exciting and gratifying points when in the throes of selling an idea is the opportunity to collaborate with… Larry. His seemingly effortless ability to process your intentions and transform them into persuasive, vibrant illustration and storytelling is not only amazing, but one of the best secret weapons within these walls at Leo Burnett. Not only do they help keep your processes nimble by easing the burden of articulating your idea, but his honed skills always result in more expressive, more poignant creative than you were imagining. It’s one thing to impress your client; but it’s something truly amazing when the impressions start before the project ever leaves the building.

Omari Miller, Associate Creative Director

…Days’ illustrations make scripts look like stories waiting to become film. There is emotion in every stroke and line that speaks to the viewer. Even if they’re wearing a tie.

Mikal Pittman, Associate Creative Director


Larry …is a true pro. …He’s been taking care of my illustrations for about 20 years across all of the Clients I’ve worked on. Always there, in a moment’s notice, providing us the best opportunity to sell great work.

Kevin Brown, Creative Resource Director

When you work with this guy you don’t just get a piece of art, you get camera angles, characters, lighting, and props. More gets added to the story. It’s less [like] working with a board artist and more [like] working with a director. The ideas…come to life in a style so charming it easily relates to all.

Vince Cook, SVP/Creative Director

Larry Day is an artist.  Not just because he draws and paints amazingly well – which he most certainly does – but because of the wit, humanity, warmth and understanding he imparts in even the smallest spaces and simplest of lines.  Larry is an artist.  He’s also a secret weapon.  That’s a rare combination!

Jon Flannery, Chief Creative Officer 


Day… adds so much value. …he does more than just draw up your board; …he engages with the idea and helps you figure out how best to bring it to life. …he has thoughts on what you could see, how it could be filmed, things that add to the story. Additionally, …he is truly passionate about the work. …his positive energy and care for the execution is unique and refreshing.

Mylene Pollock, SVP/Creative Director

Larry’s… illustration style matches that of a business that’s fast and furious. He’s… saved me many times with last-minute storyboards. Not only does he get the job done in a timely manner, he also plus the boards with his ideas… It’s always great working with…him. I recommend him to anyone.

Joel Arzu, Senior Art Director

Just today, I was presenting a DayBoard…  Two things:  One, the clients love a Dayboard as the details and richness are not only suitable for framing, but …he captures character nuances that help the clients better…understand our ideas.  Two…we have often taken ideas t…he’s drawn in the boards, [ideas] that we hadn’t thought of but loved, into the actual film.  Want a reference?  I’ll give one anytime.  Did I mention …he’s a world-class good guy?  I could keep going, but you get my drift…

Charlie Wickman,  SVP/Executive Creative Director

When you work with Larry…, you’re not just getting fantastic, gallery-worthy illustration. You’re getting another art director. His ability to visually tell a story always surprises, amazes, and makes me jealous.

He does it in a whimsical style that is at once fresh and loose, yet brilliantly detailed.  It’s a style that does much more than simply plot out the physical story.  It communicates that intangible emotional one — the one that gets lost in all those stiff…,sterile frames that are pumped out by so many storyboard mills.

Sarah Block, SVP/Creative Director

…Day doesn’t just illustrate characters and environments, he finds insights behind scripts, pinpoint emotions, and adds the little touches that make our pieces sing. …his passion and talent go without question, but it’s his kindness and commitment to finishing boards that are due in mere hours, and doing it all with a smile, that truly amazes me.

Zach Bonnan, Copywriter

Day’s storyboards truly capture the spirit of the idea.

Jim Stallman, SVP/ Creative Director